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Kathryn Shelton,LCSW
Integrative Psychotherapy
Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy and Psychedelic Integration
Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy
Clinical research is showing that Ketamine has broad reaching effects on mental health and can be a catalyst for insight and promote lasting change. During KAP, I provide a safe presence and support as you explore your inner world during non-ordinary states of consciousness.
I believe that we all have the wisdom within to guide us through difficulties in life and to our most authentic self. Unfortunately these innate tools get over shadowed by trauma, poor role-modeling from caregivers, oppressive societal/cultural norms and pressures, and other experiences. Most of us are living in state of disconnection from our true self. Ketamine can help reconnect to the self.
KAP sessions can serve as a catalyst for a deeper understanding of the self that will facilitate lasting and profound changes in mental wellbeing.
Email me for more on KAP.
How Ketamine Helps
Ketamine works in the brain by turning on neural pathways and activity that may have been shut down by chronic stress, anxiety, depression and trauma. It helps to repair and rebuild these neural pathways and gives you the opportunity to develop new ones.
On a psychological and spiritual level KAP allows for a heart and mind opening experience with lowered defenses promoting and allowing for new ways of seeing yourself, your purpose in life, and your relationships with others.
About KAP with Me
The combination of the medicine, therapeutic support and access to the subconscious mind, allows for significant growth and healing.
The process of Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy begins with an intake session with myself and a psychiatrist who will prescribe Ketamine in lozenge form if KAP is determined to be right for you.
We will collaboratively work to create a treatment plan customized specifically for you based on your individual needs and intentions.
After the initial intake session, KAP consists of a minimum of 3 Preparation/Intention setting sessions, 1 three hour KAP session (where Ketamine will be taken), followed by 1 or more Integration sessions. This is usually done over the course of several weeks. Preparation, KAP, and Integration sessions are then repeated according to the treatment plan. Most people find that several KAP sessions are preferred to get the most from it.
Feel free to email me for more details regarding getting started with KAP.
Psychedelic Integration Sessions
The use of psychedelics can be a powerful experience worthy of exploration with a trained therapist.
I will work with you to understand the insights and downloads received through your independent experiences with plant medicine.
Archeological evidence suggests that plant medicines have been used in indigenous communities for over 5000 years. Currently the only legal psychedelic available in the US is Ketamine. I do not endorse any illegal activity or make referrals to obtain illegal substances. I do however believe in education and harm reduction.
Your experiences with with psychedelics deserve to be explored in a safe, non-judgmental environment and with an educated mental health professional. I can provide this for you whether you are considering psychedelics or have previously had psychedelic experiences.
A Medical evaluation will be done virtually with a cost of approximately $250.
Ketamine lozenges are approximately $60.
Intention Setting and Integration sessions are 50 min in length and $350.
KAP dosing sessions are 2-3 hours and $350/hr.
Ketamine for Trauma, Depression, Anxiety, and Personal Growth and Development
Psychedelics and self-actualization
Ketamine for Postpartum Depression:
© 2022 by Heart Centered Therapy, Kathryn Shelton LCSW. Photos credits Unsplash.
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